Lottery Retailers and the Public Interest


The drawing of lots to determine ownership or other rights is recorded in ancient documents and became widespread in the Low Countries during the fifteenth century, where towns held public lotteries to raise money for town fortifications and help poor citizens. State-sponsored lotteries emerged in the United States during the 1960s as a way to raise money for public projects without increasing taxes. Lottery opponents typically cite religious or moral objections. Others cite concerns about the negative consequences for the poor or problem gamblers.

State-sponsored lotteries are run as businesses, attempting to maximize revenues. As a result, advertising is necessarily focused on persuading target groups to spend their money. But is promoting gambling at cross-purposes with the larger public interest?

The majority of lottery retailers are convenience stores, but also include nonprofit organizations (churches and fraternal societies), drugstores, restaurants and bars, service stations, banks, and bowling alleys. Retailers are provided with sales and demographic data by lottery officials to help them improve marketing techniques. The NASPL Web site provides retailers with information about lottery promotions and allows them to ask questions online.

The most popular lottery games are Powerball and Mega Millions, both of which offer multimillion-dollar jackpots. But smaller jackpots and a plethora of alternative choices mean that the chances of winning are significantly higher in some lesser-known lotteries. Bid adieu to the obvious when choosing lottery numbers and avoid selecting consecutive or grouped numbers. Instead, look for numbers that are within the range of 104 to 176. Variety is the spice of winning and it may just be the key to unlocking your secret to lottery success.

The drawing of lots to determine ownership or other rights is recorded in ancient documents and became widespread in the Low Countries during the fifteenth century, where towns held public lotteries to raise money for town fortifications and help poor citizens. State-sponsored lotteries emerged in the United States during the 1960s as a way to…